Wednesday, January 27, 2010

World Languages and Technology

World Language teachers frequently look for technology tools to integrate in their curriculum. In preparing for an in-service with the teachers, I found a few web tools that students can use to demonstrate their understanding of a new language.
Xtranormal is my new favorite web resource. It is a text to movie application that is easy, fun and free. Users choose sets, characters, sounds and animations as they create movies in minutes. The advantage for world language teachers is the option of international voices. Students can practice typing conversations and see it come to "life".

Voki is another web resource that features speaking avatars. Users can create avatars with the text to speech option or by recording their own voices. Recording students speaking a new language provides feedback on pronunciation and voice inflection. It allows students to hear, for themselves, what they sound like. There are several characters to choose from. Voki's can be embedded into blogs, wikis and email messages, just to name a few.

Make Beliefs Comix is a Web site I came across as I was searching out new resources to use in education. Users are able to create their own comic strips, choosing from several characters and adding dialogue. Comics can be printed or emailed. World Language students are able to demonstrate their knowledge of the language through printed text.

Finally, Wordle is a Web resource teachers and students can use to create word clouds. The words with greater prominence appear larger in the cloud. Users can modify the font, layout and color schemes. World Language teachers have used this Web site to create verb conjugating word clouds. Students have to conjugate the verbs with the subjects provided to create meaningful sentences.

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